If you are having a problem with a recipe let me know what’s happening. Maybe there is something in my directions that can be taken differently than I intended and I can improve on.
If you did anything differently or substituted any ingredient let me know since doing so will likely get you a different result.
There are a number of sites where you can share my recipes, save them, or find them.
I’ve started a channel on YouTube to show some recipes and reviews in addition to writing about them.
Please subscribe to the Shawn On Food YouTube Channel!
Big Oven
Do you use Big Oven? If so you can click the save button on any of my recipes to save it to Big Oven.
You can find my recipes on Big Oven here!
Atom or RSS Feed
Follow this blog and get the latest recipes and others updates using the RSS or Atom feed.
- RSS feed URL: https://shawnonfood.com/feed
- Atom feed URL: https://shawnonfood.com/feed/atom
If you aren’t sure which one to use for your reader use the RSS feed.
Outlook supports RSS and Atom Feeds or you can download a free reader like http://www.rssowl.org/
There’s some online ones as well and I’m sure there are some good readers for Android and iPhone devices too!

I’m a fan of Yummly. I started using the site some time before starting Shawn On Food. It’s like a search engine for recipes that are posted on food blogs and a great way to find recipes.
Check out the Shawn On Food page on Yummly.com.
It’s easy to sign up/connect to using Facebook, or an email address. Once signed up you search for and Yum recipes you are interested in. They are added to your collections so you can find them later. You can also organize your Yummed recipes and will get email updates with some of the best and most popular recipes.
I have the Yum button on my recipes so you can Yum them also. It makes it easy if you are interested in a recipe but not right now. Just Yum it!
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